Cing Cing Goling is an annual harvest ceremony that is unique to Gunungkidul. This zine provides an informative introduction to the tradition which involves a lot of chickens and a man dressed…
Category: Feature
Belalang #1
The title of this zine (‘grasshopper’) is innocuous enough (unless you’re a gardener or a farmer) but the subtitle gives it a whole new flavour: ‘si hama yang lezat‘ (‘the delicious pest’). You…
Batik #1
Students wear batik to school every Saturday in Indonesia. Find out more about batik from some very cute cartoon characters. Learn how to make batik and loads more from the Batik zine team.…
Membuka Jendela Dunia #1
Naturally, a school that publishes a collection of short stories written by students and staff would also produce a zine team dedicated to the ‘sederhana tapi sempurna‘ hobby of reading. View and download this…
The Lasinrang Zine #1
What is life like in an Indonesian boarding school? Find out in the first edition of The Lasinrang Zine and get some tips to avoid laziness while you’re at it. View and download…